2020 Spring Term important dates

We hope everyone enjoyed some good family time over the holidays! I know we're ready to get back to some consistency around here.

We wanted to update you all with upcoming important dates. If you have any questions about anything, please email us at bridgescooperative@gmail.com.

Important Dates to Know:

Friday, January 3- Applications due

Friday, January 10- Class proposals due (You can copy and paste the form below to submit your class proposal, and email it to us anytime before Jan. 10)

Friday, January 31- Payment for Spring term due (total per-student cost will be determined as soon as we have a final count on those interested in joining for Spring Term. Past terms have been as low as $1.05 per hour of instruction!)

Monday, February 3- Spring Term Classes begin at 9:00 in Fruit Heights

Class proposals don’t have to be an intricate thing. Just a brief description of your class and maybe an example of activities you may do. We have posted to the group page the classes from the last term to help give you an idea. You don’t have to do anything crazy. It can be as simple or in-depth as you want. We haven’t talked about class times, so please let us know in your description if your class needs extra time. I, personally, have googled co-op classes before to help give me ideas!

Please let me know if you have any questions and we will be happy to help!!

Alicia Heil, and the Bridges Board

Bridges Co-operative Class Proposal

***Please copy and paste this document into a google doc, fill in your answers and submit directly to Bridgescooperative@gmail.com. All class proposals are due by January 10th to be reviewed and approved by the board.***

  1. Class title:

  1. Age range: Indicate your preferred age group with an *, as well as other ages you’re willing to accommodate, if applicable.
    1. Preschool (age 3)
    2. 4-5 yrs  
    3. 6-7 yrs 
    4. 8-9 yrs 
    5. 10-11 yrs
    6. 12-13 yrs 
    7. 14+ yrs

  1. Class description: 

  1. Required materials for students to supply/bring from home: 

  1. Class Fee: (This is the amount of money you need, per student to run the class.  Average class fees should be low- with specialty classes capped at a $20 per student maximum.)